
Your world, digitally enhanced.

Ready to witness the next evolution of social media? Download OnLo on the App Store today and start interacting with your friends and surroundings in an entirely new way.

With OnLo, you turn your surroundings into a canvas of creativity.
Scroll down to see how the app works.

Share your favorite digital content in real-life locations, giving a personal touch to your surroundings. From tunes to thoughts, let your voice resonate in the places that matter most.

Discover a new dimension of social interaction with OnLo! Drop your favorite media in real-world locations and connect with others through shared experiences. Leave a musical mark at your favorite hangout or inspire with insightful quotes at a library.

Taking Social Media to the next level

What can I do with OnLo?

  • Create a “drop” and watch as others pick it up, share it, and increase your drop's popularity.

  • At launch, use our first drop types, including:

  • Image drops

  • Status drops

  • Spotify drops

  • Rating drops

  • Event drops.

  • Look for drops left by local businesses or the OnLo App such as free coffee, Uber vouchers, gift cards, and more.

  • Discover something new, share it with friends or the world, and create a community around what's important to you.

Download now!

With OnLo, what you discover and what you share is limitless, and we have plenty of ideas in store for future experiences within the app.

1% of all revenue from OnLo goes to the community in which an item is dropped to benefit education, healthcare, hunger needs, and other charitable causes.

©2023 Inertia Group Activity, LLC